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The how-to of interactive problem solving and challenging misconceptions with Daniel Jeffrey at Western University

Western University

In the dynamic field of education, the right tools can make a world of difference in student engagement and learning. A prime example of this is found in Professor Daniel Jeffery's innovative use of Mentimeter at Western University. This blog post delves into Daniel's journey with Mentimeter, focusing on its impact on his students and his approach as an educator.

The spark of innovation: discovering Mentimeter

Daniel's encounter with Mentimeter occurred at a teaching conference, sparking an interest that led him to integrate it into his teaching methodology. The platform's user-friendly nature and its ability to cater to both in-person and online students quickly made it a staple in his classes.

Mentimeter in action: enhancing classroom dynamics

Mentimeter has become an integral part of Daniel's teaching toolkit, used in every class and at teaching conferences. Its versatility is evident through various applications:

  • Checking in on students: Daniel frequently uses Mentimeter to gauge students' understanding and feelings about specific topics.
  • Interactive problem solving: By posing multiple-choice questions or using Likert scales, he assesses and enhances students' understanding.
  • Generating collective ideas: Open-ended questions on Mentimeter allow for a collaborative ideation process, forming the basis for future discussions.
  • Balancing anonymity and participation: One of Daniel’s key takeaways, after using Mentimeter for over 3 years now, is the importance of using Mentimeter responses as a starting point for further verbal discussions and engagement, encouraging students to own their voice and speak up.
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Transformative formative assessments and identifying knowledge gaps

In his varied courses, from second-year online modules to advanced practical experiments, Mentimeter plays a crucial role. It aids in formative assessment, helping to identify and address knowledge gaps promptly. This immediate feedback mechanism allows him to identify and address knowledge gaps in real time.

  • Reinforcing knowledge: After presenting new content, he uses Mentimeter to pose relevant questions, solidifying students' comprehension and retention of the material
  • Addressing misconceptions: If a significant number of students choose incorrect answers, he takes it as a cue to re-explain concepts, ensuring clarity before moving forward.
  • Challenging common misconceptions: Daniel cleverly uses Mentimeter to highlight and rectify prevalent misconceptions in his field, steering students away from outdated or incorrect understandings.

This approach to formative assessment has been instrumental in enhancing the quality of learning, making the teaching process more responsive and adaptive to student needs.

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A game-changer for office hours and assessment readiness

One of the most striking impacts of Mentimeter was seen in the increased attendance at office hours. For a course with a thousand students, Daniel’s office hours usually see a handful of attendees. However, by using Mentimeter to collect questions asynchronously and addressing these in a live Q&A session, attendance skyrocketed to 70+ students!

Building a sense of belonging in the classroom 

Mentimeter’s utility extends beyond academic queries. It's a tool for understanding students' personal interests, career goals, and their perspectives on broader issues like land acknowledgment. This holistic approach contributes to a learning environment where every student feels heard and valued.

Conclusion: a journey worth emulating

Professor Daniel Jeffery's experience with Mentimeter is more than just a success story; it's an invitation for educators to reimagine their teaching methods. By harnessing technology like Mentimeter, educators can create more engaging, inclusive, and effective learning environments. It’s not just about teaching; it’s about creating a dynamic learning journey for every student.

Daniel Jeffery

Impress with interactive presentations