Microsoft Teams Goes Interactive

June 17, 2021
Mentimeter Applications Campaigns MSTeams 2021-18

The whole team here at Mentimeter is delighted to announce the launch of our new Microsoft Teams application. This partnership will allow all our presenters to share their presentation directly within one of the world’s leading communication tools.

Online and hybrid presentations have become a daily requirement for many of us. This new normal means that both online presentation and communication tools have become must-have software for companies and individuals around the globe.    

Microsoft Teams aims to champion communication and to ensure that, no matter where people may be logging in from, they can effectively collaborate, connect and engage. We at Mentimeter want to give everyone attending a meeting, lecture or class the opportunity to have their voice heard. Our goal is to make every presentation interactive, easy to use and, of course, engaging

Helping to streamline your presentations

This partnership will help streamline presentations and let users better connect with their audience. No matter if you are presenting to a fully or partially remote audience made up of family, friends or colleagues, Mentimeter and Teams are here to enhance the experience.

Be more prepared than ever before

After you build your presentation and are scheduling your meeting in Teams you can share your Menti presentation right there and then. No more forgetting to attach slides, no more panicking and frantically clicking around to find what you need at the last minute.   

As your presentation is attached to the meeting invite your attendees will have the option to view slides in advance. Perfect if you need people to arrive up to speed on the topics for discussion or if you want to gather some votes beforehand.  

Avoid chat confusion

No longer will you need to instruct people as to where they need to submit their questions, feedback or comments. Everything can be sent into one common forum so no one will feel like they’ve been forgotten. 

Access a Menti directly within Teams

Thanks to this integration, you no longer have to worry about switching between your Teams window and Menti presentation. The all-new Mentimeter tab built into Teams means you can showcase your presentation directly within their platform. 

Try out the Mentimeter for Microsoft Teams App for free!

Get the App

It really couldn't be easier to jump right in and wow your audience no matter what type of presentation you put together. 

Gathering employee feedback

Make use of some data-driven slides to gauge people’s feelings, Open-ended slides to let people voice their opinions or Q&A slides to ask the questions that matter to them. 

Team bonding

Use a word cloud icebreaker to ease into the meeting and then ask people to contribute some info about themselves. Follow this up by working on a team activity in a pin on image slide.

Class quizzes / Lectures

Fun quiz questions and leaderboards can get younger students excited to answer both quickly and correctly while older learners can be encouraged to brainstorm with Word Cloud and Scale slides. 

Family games night

Gather the family together and avoid the bickering that comes with board games. Solve a murder mystery or host your very own Oscar party.

For a more in-depth step-by-step guide, be sure to check out our help page on how exactly you can integrate Mentimeter into your Teams meetings.

Teams Meetings and Mentis For Everyone

It doesn’t matter if you’re giving a lecture on art history, debriefing colleagues on new KPIs or organizing a fun family Quiz, Mentimeter and Teams lets you do it all.

Make sure you head to Microsoft Teams now to sign up and download the app and to Mentimeter to get crafting those presentations.  

Impresiona a tu público con presentaciones interactivas