Romper el hielo para iniciar un debate

Iniciar un debate no siempre es fácil, pero con la ayuda de una plantilla para romper el hielo puedes establecer el tono de tu presentación desde el primer momento.

Romper el hielo para iniciar un debate

Get to know each other

Get to know each other

1 slide
A fun way to break the ice and get to know other people. Use a Word Cloud to engage participants from the start.
Categorize - What Lives in the Forest?

Categorize - What Lives in the Forest?

1 slide
So what does live in the forest? And what can your audience think of that no one else has?
What would you prioritize in a marketing campaign?

What would you prioritize in a marketing campaign?

2 slides
So if you were in control of your team's next marketing campaign, which channel would you focus on?
The Brick

The Brick

1 slide
A fun game where people have to think of various uses for everyday items. Start your presentation with this game.
Word Association - Holiday

Word Association - Holiday

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What do you associate the lovely word Holiday to? Break the ice by finding out what your audience thinks.
What was the hardest subject in school?

What was the hardest subject in school?

1 slide
An icebreaker to kick off any session and to get the audience engaged.
How did you get here this morning?

How did you get here this morning?

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See how your audience got to today's conference, meeting, or workshop.
What are you thankful for?

What are you thankful for?

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Let's practice gratitude and take a moment to reflect on all of the things we are thankful for.
What is your work situation looking like these days?

What is your work situation looking like these days?

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Working on home soil? Back in the office? Trying a bit of both? See what everyone happens to prefer.
What Is Your Favorite App?

What Is Your Favorite App?

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Some are addicted to social media while others enjoy mobile games. Break the ice and see what your audience likes.
Where in the World Do You Most Want to Visit?

Where in the World Do You Most Want to Visit?

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Travel is something many enjoy so what better way to engage your audience than to ask about their dream holiday?
Which Are the Best Movies?

Which Are the Best Movies?

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See what movie series everyone loves to watch and rewatch and be prepared to be surprised by the answers.
What Cuisine Do You Love?

What Cuisine Do You Love?

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The finest French delights or Italian delicacies? Surely your audience will have strong opinions about this one.
Where Do You Prefer to Work?

Where Do You Prefer to Work?

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Remote, hybrid, or in the office? Why not break the ice by asking your audience which setup they prefer?
Where Are You From?

Where Are You From?

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This template is a fun way to find out where your audience is from. Simply let them choose a point on the map.
What Do You Know About Your Colleagues?

What Do You Know About Your Colleagues?

10 slides
Make the corporate event more fun by quizzing your co-workers.
Engage your audience at a conference

Engage your audience at a conference

1 slide
Ensure that your slides aren't boring! Use Mentimeter to keep the audience engaged and interested in the subject.
Help your audience get to know each other

Help your audience get to know each other

1 slide
Who's sitting next to you? Break the ice by getting to know your neighbor.
Learn About Webinar Guests

Learn About Webinar Guests

3 slides
Who is attending your webinar? Get to know the people behind the screens with this Icebreaker.

Plantillas de debate para romper el hielo

Si necesitas que tu público hable, analice y debata, tenemos las plantillas para romper el hielo perfectas para ti. Las opciones incluyen nubes de palabras, encuestas, ruletas y otros tipos de diapositivas interactivas diseñadas especialmente para iniciar debates interesantes.

Cualquiera que tenga una cuenta de Mentimeter puede descargar todas nuestras plantillas para romper el hielo con solo unos clics. Los usuarios con una cuenta tanto gratuita como de pago pueden descargar estas plantillas y editarlas como consideren oportuno. Puedes cambiar el tipo de diapositiva, modificar las preguntas o sustituir la imagen de fondo, si te apetece.

Impresiona a tu público con presentaciones interactivas