Insights para romper el hielo

¿Te gustaría conocer mejor a tu público para entender cómo se siente y qué piensa? Haz una encuesta en directo o pídeles que rellenen un cuestionario antes o después de la presentación.

Insights para romper el hielo

Highlight of the year

Highlight of the year

1 slide
Quick open-ended icebreaker to reflect on the year.
Brainstorm Topics for class

Brainstorm Topics for class

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Brainstorm which topic your class want to focus on next week and the subject they need some extra support on.
Team Lead or Expert

Team Lead or Expert

1 slide
So would you rather be the boss with responsibility or the go-to person with a wealth of knowledge?
Timepiece Brainteaser

Timepiece Brainteaser

3 slides
We all love a good brainteaser and this timepiece one is a real classic. See who has the smarts to figure it out!
Reverse Brainstorm - Excelsior

Reverse Brainstorm - Excelsior

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A reverse brainstorm is a fun way to play a word association game. If this was a brand, what would they do or make?
Hammer or Nail

Hammer or Nail

2 slides
Choose between two options in this classic "this or that" template.
The Brick

The Brick

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A fun game where people have to think of various uses for everyday items. Start your presentation with this game.
Round Table Story - The Cyclist

Round Table Story - The Cyclist

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'The man was cycling when suddenly . . .' Let your audience complete this sentence and continue the story!
Desert Island Icebreaker

Desert Island Icebreaker

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What would everyone bring to a desert island? Time to find out now with this fun and interactive Icebreaker.
What are you thankful for?

What are you thankful for?

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Let's practice gratitude and take a moment to reflect on all of the things we are thankful for.
How are you feeling?

How are you feeling?

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Check in with participants and find out how they are feeling wherever they are joining from.
What is your work situation looking like these days?

What is your work situation looking like these days?

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Working on home soil? Back in the office? Trying a bit of both? See what everyone happens to prefer.
If You Could Time Travel

If You Could Time Travel

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Would you go to Ancient Rome? Or do you have some other time period in mind? See what your audience has to say.
Where Do You Prefer to Work?

Where Do You Prefer to Work?

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Remote, hybrid, or in the office? Why not break the ice by asking your audience which setup they prefer?
Where Are You From?

Where Are You From?

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This template is a fun way to find out where your audience is from. Simply let them choose a point on the map.
Let the audience choose the best debater

Let the audience choose the best debater

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Use this template to enable your audience to vote for a winner during a debate.
Help your audience get to know each other

Help your audience get to know each other

1 slide
Who's sitting next to you? Break the ice by getting to know your neighbor.
Learn About Webinar Guests

Learn About Webinar Guests

3 slides
Who is attending your webinar? Get to know the people behind the screens with this Icebreaker.
Prioritize ideas with your audience

Prioritize ideas with your audience

2 slides
Engage the audience by asking them to prioritize items in real-time, and give them the chance to ask questions!

Plantillas clarificadoras para romper el hielo

Plantea una pregunta candente o que aporte gran información para que tu público piense largo y tendido la respuesta. Es una forma perfecta de iniciar una reunión en la que quieras conocer mejor a tu público o hacerles pensar de forma creativa. Prueba nuestras plantillas interactivas de nubes de palabras, divertidas ruletas o preguntas abiertas y de opción múltiple para inspirarte.

Cualquiera que tenga una cuenta de Mentimeter puede descargar todas nuestras plantillas para romper el hielo con solo unos clics. Los usuarios con una cuenta tanto gratuita como de pago pueden descargar estas plantillas y editarlas como consideren oportuno. Puedes cambiar el tipo de diapositiva, modificar las preguntas o sustituir la imagen de fondo, si te apetece.

Impresiona a tu público con presentaciones interactivas