Responsible AI - How we work with AI at Mentimeter

At Mentimeter, our approach to integrating Artificial Intelligence (AI) is based on crafting a seamless and intuitive experience for our users. At the same time, we are cautious about the risks the use of AI can pose, ensuring that ethical considerations and user privacy are at the forefront of our development process.

Start with AI

Table of contents

  • The role of AI at Mentimeter
  • Open AI
  • What compliance standards does Mentimeter follow?
  • Will Mentimeter use my content to improve models? 
  • Will my data be shared with OpenAI?
  • Can I request to have my data deleted? 
  • How does Mentimeter stay current with the rapidly evolving field of AI technology?
  • What is Mentimeter's stance on the environmental impact of generative AI, and what actions is the company taking to mitigate this?

The role of AI at Mentimeter

AI at Mentimeter is an umbrella term that encompasses the machine learning and generative AI capabilities we are developing. It refers to the strategic implementation of artificial intelligence technologies to enhance and personalize audience engagement experiences. It encompasses the use of algorithms, machine learning models, and natural language processing to understand audience behavior, preferences, and feedback in real-time. This enables the platform to offer automated insights, interactive content suggestions, and tailored responses, thereby increasing participation and engagement levels. 

AI at Mentimeter also involves the continuous analysis of engagement data to predict trends, optimize presentations, and deliver more impactful and engaging sessions. Through AI, Mentimeter aims to empower presenters with intelligent tools that make interactions more dynamic, inclusive, and insightful, fostering a deeper connection between presenters and their audiences.


When it comes to generative capabilities Mentimeter has chosen to partner with industry leader OpenAI for Gen AI. Our AI work utilizes the OpenAI API – and we have implemented rigorous routines and appropriate safeguards to protect the personal data they process on our behalf. 

What compliance standards does Mentimeter follow?

Mentimeter complies with the EU General Data Protection Regulation (EU 2016/679) (GDPR) and its fundamental principles. Additionally, the OpenAI API, which we utilize, has been evaluated by a third-party security auditor and is certified as SOC 2 Type 2 compliant.

You can read more about our internal compliance routines and our continuous work to secure GDPR compliance within Mentimeter here.

Will Mentimeter use my content to improve models? 

No, Data submitted through the OpenAI API (which is the one we use at Mentimeter) is not used to train models. However, we may ask you to be part of surveys, regarding for example customer satisfaction, and with your consent give us feedback in relation to support matters or when we test new stuff for improvement purposes.

Data utilized in AI features can be leveraged to enhance our services by analyzing the usage of AI-powered features to guide our product development decisions. We are committed to ensuring that this is the sole purpose for which your data is used, maintaining strict adherence to data privacy and usage policies.

Will my data be shared with OpenAI?

Data will only be sent to OpenAI from the specific Menti’s where you use AI features. There will be no transfer of data to OpenAI from idle presentations in the workspace and if you have disabled the features, nothing will be sent to OpenAI. Read more about Enterprise privacy at OpenAI. 

Can I request to have my data deleted? 

You have the right to request deletion of your personal data, for example when it is no longer necessary for us to process the data for the purpose it was collected, or when you have withdrawn your consent. Read more on our Privacy Policy page.

Will you share my content with third parties? 

No, we do not share user content with third parties for marketing purposes. 

How do you ensure that models avoid giving unsafe or inappropriate suggestions or answers?

To ensure that models provide safe, appropriate, and trustworthy responses, OpenAI follow some key approaches:

Data and model training: OpenAI carefully curates the training data to reduce biases and the likelihood of generating inappropriate content. The training process also includes mechanisms to steer the model towards more reliable and safer outputs.

Content filters and moderation: Layers of content filters and moderation tools are applied to screen out unsafe, sensitive, or inappropriate material. These filters are regularly updated to adapt to new challenges and contexts.

User feedback: OpenAI incorporates user feedback to continuously improve the safety and appropriateness of responses. This feedback loop allows for the refinement of models over time, addressing any emergent issues or areas for improvement.

Policy and ethical guidelines: The development and deployment of models are governed by strict ethical guidelines and policies that prioritize user safety and data privacy. These guidelines help ensure that the models are used responsibly and for the benefit of users.

Research and collaboration: OpenAI actively engages in research to advance the understanding of AI safety and ethics. Collaborations with the broader research community, policymakers, and stakeholders contribute to the development of more robust and trustworthy AI systems.

How does Mentimeter stay current with the rapidly evolving field of AI technology?

Mentimeter is committed to staying at the forefront of the rapidly evolving field of AI technology, ensuring that our platform remains innovative and effective in enhancing human interaction. Here’s how Mentimeter keeps pace with AI advancements:

Dedicated AI team: Mentimeter has established a specialized team focused solely on AI development and integration. This team is tasked with exploring new AI technologies and assessing how they can be incorporated into the Mentimeter platform to enhance user experience and interaction capabilities.

AI strategy: The company follows a well-defined AI strategy that guides its efforts in integrating AI into its services. This strategy ensures that AI implementations align with the core objectives of the company and enhance its offerings without compromising the human element of its services.

Product principles: One of the key product principles at Mentimeter is using AI to augment, not replace, human interaction. This principle is crucial as it shapes the development of features that support and enhance the capabilities of users, rather than creating solutions that aim to replace human input.

AI to augment human interaction: In line with its product principles, Mentimeter leverages AI to make interactions easier, faster, and better. The platform allows users to remain the experts in their presentations or educational content, while AI assists by helping them to formulate the right questions, derive meaningful insights, and make informed decisions based on their interaction goals.

AI-related upskilling and training sessions: To ensure that the team and the company as a whole remains knowledgeable and proficient in the latest AI technologies, Mentimeter invests in regular upskilling and training sessions. These educational initiatives help us understand and leverage new AI tools and techniques, which in turn, supports the continuous improvement of the Mentimeter platform.

What is Mentimeter's stance on the environmental impact of generative AI, and what actions is the company taking to mitigate this?

Indeed, generative AI, Machine Learning and data processing requires processing power for both training and generating content. In collaboration with our vendors and partners, we are consistently exploring and implementing solutions aimed at minimizing our carbon footprint. 

Read more about our climate work and how we became carbon negative in 2022.