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The power of timely student feedback - Yasamin Alami’s student-centered practice at UCW

University Canada West

In the evolving landscape of education, the quest for innovative teaching methodologies has never been more critical. Yasamin Alami, an Assistant Professor in the Department of Quantitative Studies at University Canada West, is at the forefront of this transformative journey in teaching Accounting. Yasmin’s story is one of adaptation, reflection, and success in leveraging technology to enhance student engagement and learning outcomes.

Yasamin embarked on her teaching career in 2021. Initially facing the challenges of small class sizes and a diverse international student body, she recognized the necessity of a more inclusive and adaptable teaching style. Employing a variety of resources, from Excel workbooks to videos and PowerPoint presentations, Yasamin ensured that her students had access to information in a manner best suited to their learning preferences.

The catalyst for change

The onset of the Covid-19 pandemic served as a significant catalyst for Yasamin. The transition to fully online teaching revealed the limitations of traditional methods in maintaining student engagement and understanding. This challenge prompted Yasamin to explore innovative solutions, including Mentimeter, which the Centre for Teaching Excellence at UCW had identified and promoted through conducting training sessions and by granting faculty access to an institutional Mentimeter Pro account. The platform became a game-changer, enabling her to create a more interactive and responsive educational environment. Also, by transitioning to a flipped classroom model, she ensured that students could engage with the material at their own pace before deepening their understanding through class discussions.

Fostering student connections and active learning

Yasamin uses Mentimeter to gather feedback, initiate discussions, and create a supportive learning community. Starting classes with Mentimeter questions and incorporating quiz competitions have transformed the classroom atmosphere, fostering a sense of camaraderie and mutual respect among students. 

  • Breaking the ice: Implementing Mentimeter has led to an unexpected yet invaluable outcome: increased social interaction among students. "After implementing Menti, students began using the answers to start conversations with their peers, connecting over shared backgrounds or interests," Yasamin observes. This phenomenon turned Mentimeter questions into effective ice-breakers, encouraging students to engage not only with the material but with each other.
Getting to know students Menti
Ice-Breaker Where are you from
  • Enhanced focus through gamification: Starting with simple polling questions, Yasamin soon discovered the Quiz Competition feature of Mentimeter, which transformed student engagement. The competitive element helped students overcome hesitation and fully immerse in the learning experience.

A reflective practice

Yasamin places immense value on student feedback, viewing it as the bedrock for current and future course improvements. "The current course is a product of feedback from other students," she often reminds her classes, emphasizing the role of student voice in shaping the educational journey. 

Her practice currently revolves around three significant reflection milestones, each designed to deepen understanding, foster personal connections, and reflect on progress:

  • Beginning of the semester: The initial classes focus on understanding the diverse backgrounds of her students, from their academic experiences to their feelings about accounting. Through Mentimeter, Yasamin encourages students to set personal or academic goals, creating a supportive and inclusive atmosphere from day one.
Whats the difference between Fin ACCT and MGMT ACCT
  • Mid-semester reflection: Around week 5 or 6, Yasamin revisits these goals with her students, and gathers feedback on the course's pace and effectiveness. This checkpoint allows for adjustments and personal conversations, further tailoring the learning experience to student needs.
  • End-of-course feedback: As the semester concludes, Yasamin seeks comprehensive feedback from her students, closing the reflective circle. 
Menti - Quiz

Advice for fellow educators

For educators considering incorporating Mentimeter or similar technologies into their teaching, Yasamin offers sage advice: be open to adaptation, embrace feedback, and recognize that perfection may not be achieved on the first attempt. Her experience underscores that tools like Mentimeter are not just about technological integration but about creating a learning environment where every student feels valued and engaged.

Yasamin Alami

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