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The power of peer-to-peer learning - Ali Niavarani’s tips and tricks

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Innovative tools can transform the teaching and learning experience in the dynamic world of education.  Instructor Ali Niavarani, from the Business Department at University Canada West, is a prime example of how embracing such tools, specifically Mentimeter, can revolutionize classroom engagement. His story is not just about technology adoption; it's about enhancing student participation and understanding their diverse needs.

The spark: discovering Mentimeter

The journey began in January 2022, during a faculty orientation where  Ali was introduced to Mentimeter. While other tools like Kahoot focused on gamification, Mentimeter stood out to him for its simplicity and effectiveness. Impressed,  Ali began experimenting with Mentimeter in his classes and hasn't looked back since.

What makes Mentimeter so valuable?  It empowers all students

Ali found that it beautifully merges with PowerPoint, allowing a seamless blend of content presentation and interactive elements. His students responded positively, prompting him to integrate it further into his teaching.

For him, a significant impact of Mentimeter is on introverted students and those facing language barriers. The platform offers a safe, anonymous space for these students to express themselves without fearing judgment. It encourages everyone to participate, ensuring no question or comment is left unspoken.

Why MBA - Ali

A heartfelt connection

For Ali, Mentimeter goes beyond just being a tool; it's a window into students' hearts, helping  Ali understand their feelings, needs, and preferences. 

Real-life applications and impacts

Ali employs Mentimeter creatively in various scenarios. For instance, he uses it at the start of a new class to understand his students' aspirations and expectations from the course. This insight enables him to tailor his classes more effectively.

In role-plays, such as customer service simulations, Mentimeter allows for anonymous peer evaluation. Students assess each other on various aspects like time management and clarity, fostering a reflective and evaluative learning environment. This helps students identify areas for improvement and prepares them for their future careers by building essential skills.

Roleplay 1 - Ali
Roleplay 2 - Ali

Resonating feedback

The real testament to Mentimeter's effectiveness comes from the students themselves. End-of-semester faculty evaluation surveys have consistently shown high approval rates, particularly highlighting  Ali's diverse teaching styles and his encouragement of classroom engagement. His use of technology in class has been notably appreciated, with scores consistently above 85%.

Conclusion: A beacon for educators

Ali's experience with Mentimeter is a beacon for educators seeking to enhance student engagement and understand their diverse needs. His story is a testament to how technology, when used thoughtfully, can enrich the learning experience and bring out the best in every student. It inspires educators everywhere to embark on a similar journey with Mentimeter.

Ali Niavarani

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