Education Surveys

Highlight the strengths and weaknesses of your lectures or classes and ask students for insightful and anonymous feedback that will improve the learning experience for everyone involved.

Education Surveys

Post-lecture feedback form template

Post-lecture feedback form template

3 slides
Add this slide to the end of every class to get a feel for how things went, and track the results over time.
Virtual office hours

Virtual office hours

3 slides
Take your weekly office hours online to boost attendance and increase the value for your students.
Course Feedback Survey

Course Feedback Survey

7 slides
Gather insights by running this survey at the end of your course.
Collect lecture feedback

Collect lecture feedback

1 slide
Check for understanding, collect feedback on the lecture and identify what topics need to be revisited.
Teachers' Survey

Teachers' Survey

8 slides
Listen to the opinions and feelings of your teacher colleagues with this survey.
Bullying and Discrimination Survey

Bullying and Discrimination Survey

8 slides
Fight bullying and discrimination by first identifying where and when it happens.
School Safety Survey

School Safety Survey

8 slides
Learn where in school your students feel safe and initiate discussion about security with this template.
Group Project Reflection

Group Project Reflection

7 slides
Reflect on your latest group project with this template!
University Lecture Feedback

University Lecture Feedback

5 slides
Gather feedback and opinions from your students and see exactly what they think about your lectures.
Manage Students' Expectations

Manage Students' Expectations

2 slides
Make your lessons better by asking students about what they know and what they are expecting before class.
 Weekly Student Reflection Session

Weekly Student Reflection Session

2 slides
Reflect with students on the work that they have done and provoke discussion about how they can improve.
Lecture Self-Assessment

Lecture Self-Assessment

4 slides
Let your students practice self-assessment in its most engaging form. Reflect on lessons with this template.

Education Survey Templates

Create surveys to gather together the thoughts and opinions of your students and let them submit their responses anonymously. Learn about how you can improve your lectures, what elements of the course they find most interesting, and how they feel about the upcoming examinations. These templates are designed to improve response rates and insights. 

Each and every one of your survey templates can be downloaded and used by anyone with a Mentimeter account. All of our paid users can edit these templates to their heart’s desire while free users can do so within the limits of our free plan.


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